

The result of the night - Renovation Fogasház part x+1

8 hackers, approx. 3 tons of moved junk, 80 sacks and a 6m↑3 container = the balcony of the space is nice and clean

The story begins when we eliminated two walls of the space. The resulted junk is then temporarily stored on the balcony because the lack of space. Then there was an opportunity to move the whole junk to a container. At Wednesday morning, the thick sacks have arrived to the space, and the guys started to fill them in the evening.
There was a problem with the transportation of the sacks, because they weight ~50kgs. It came to attention that if we halven the sacks, it is easier to transport them. There was an idea to lift them by a home-hacked hoist, but it was rejected because of the danger of the sacks falling down to the street. Finally, we moved the sacks by muscle-hack and a little "IKEA" cart to downstairs, it needed more than 2 hours to do this. We have finished this @2am, some gone sleep, some continued hacking after.
At the morning, when the container arrived, we had ~10 minutes to fill it with sacks, but success came. After the truck left with the 6m↑3 junk, I felt calm. Now we have a clean terrace, where we plan to build a furnace from the remaining full bricks(since we love pizza:)).
All of you guys who weren't there, it really sucks was fucking fun!
Thanks for the crew: asciimoo, dnet, eapo, gadget, pepe, potato, stf, misnyo and Ctulhu! (sry if i forgot somebody, feel free to write your name here)

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