

Hungary, 1056 Budapest, Bástya utca 12.
How to get there


The hackerspace aims to bring people with similar interests together in space and time. If you're interested, hop in, and see it for yourself. You can see whether we're open or closed on the banner below and on Twitter IRC as well.


Mailing list

Of course we're present in the virtual realm as well, we're happy to answer your questions on our public mailing list, which you can subscribe to by sending a mail to hspbp+subscribe@googlegroups.com. (Mostly Hungarian, but mail in English usually gets responses in English.)


You can send us e-mail as well, which is like the mailing list, but read by much less people: hack at hsbp.org


On IRCnet (e.g. irc.atw-inter.net:6667)

  • #hspbp - IRC only
  • #hsbp2020 - bridged


  • #hsbp:matrix.org - bridged

Discord, Telegram


  • The IRC channel #hspbp2020 is bridged with Matrix, Discord and Telegram - see Services

 about the hspbp - hsbp rename

In the virtual realm, our name got changed from hspbp.org to hsbp.org. Because of this, there's a bit of a mixup regarding our contact info. Basically use what you find. In practice, if you get no reaction, try adding or removing that 'p' and try again.

Upcoming Events

1)  Mon 14 of Oct, 2024 18:00 CEST
KDE 28. szülinap