Motion detection with RPi, GPIO and PIR
My goal was very simple: detect motion in short range (some meters).
What is needed: RPi, breadboard (optional), jumper cables and a PIR sensor.
- The PIR costs only a few euros (I got 5 for 8 EUR). searx it ;)
- If you don't have RPi.GPIO, you can install it from pip
The connections are simple, the PIR I have used has three legs (gnd,vcc,out). Basically you connect PIR's gnd to RPi's ground, VCC to 5V and out to a GPIO leg. The pictures will tell everything.
After you have connected everything, you can use python to get notices. Example code:
#!/usr/bin/python # Example code for PIR sensor import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time # Set GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) pir_in = 7 # -> your pin number GPIO.setup(pir_in, GPIO.IN) # Start detecting motion try: while True: if GPIO.input(pir_in): print (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) + ": Motion detected!" time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: GPIO.cleanup()
Finally you can adjust the sensitivity by turning the controls on the PIR (time/delay).
Note: a few PIR sernsors are available in H.A.C.K.